List of Worldwide Actions Against 5G

October 5, 2019: Opposition to the 5G (Fifth Generation) wireless technology rollout isn’t just occuring in Wisconsin or the United States. Across the world, citizens, organizations and governments are pushing back, posing challenges for the telecom industry.

This article by Claire Edwards highlights 120 actions against 5G/wireless technology: “5G Cell Phone Radiation: How the Telecom Companies Are Losing the Battle to Impose 5G Against the Will of the People.”

The reckless 5G expansion has not been smooth sailing for Big Telecom. Below is just a small sampling of the pushback:

AustriaAfter 5G is officially switched on in Vienna in November 2018, former UN staff member reports Vienna’s first EMF injuries.
United NationsUK Prime Minister Boris Johnson describes the Internet of Things, “smart” cities and AI as a giant, dark thundercloud lowering oppressively over the human race, threatening a cold and heartless future in an Orwellian world designed for censorship, repression and control. 

United States
Congresswomen Eshoo and Speier introduce Bill HR530 to block FCC cell tower pre-emption and preserve local government control and invalidate the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) 26 September 2018 ruling to accelerate the deployment of 5G small cells throughout the US.
54,600 Germans sign a petition to force the German Bundestag to debate 5G.
Oleg Gregoriev, Chairman of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, states that “5G may be like a slow Hiroshima”.
The Parliamentary Committees on Health and Environment in Cyprus hold discussions on the negative aspects of 5G. Proposals are put forward to freeze 5G deployment and keep Cyprus radiation-free as a detoxing zone attractive for tourism.
The Kuwait Times publishes an article on the threats to health from 5G technology, saying “RF-EMF exposure and health outcomes. In the meantime, they recommend that cell towers should be distanced from homes, daycare centers, schools, and places frequented by pregnant women, men who wish to father healthy children, and the young”.
Italian parliament to vote on 7 October for a moratorium to stop the 5G rollout throughout Italy. The text proposes that the government should suspend any form of technological experimentation of 5G in Italian cities, pending the production of sufficient scientific evidence to judge its harmlessness.
Belgian Environment Minister announces that Brussels is halting the 5G rollout, saying, “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit.” 
Swiss Re
Insurance company Swiss Re’ report on New Emerging Risk Insights states that “Existing concerns regarding potential negative health effects from electromagnetic fields (EMF) are only likely to increase. An uptick in liability claims could be a potential long-term consequence. … interruption and subversion of the 5G platform could trigger catastrophic, cumulative damage.”

About the Author: The author of the article is Claire Edwards, BA Hons, MA, who worked for the United Nations and issued a warning in May 2018 about the dangers of 5G during a meeting with UN staff. Ms. Edwards is also working with Arthur Firstenberg, the author of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space. Please read, sign and share it with others:

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One thought on “List of Worldwide Actions Against 5G

  1. Brian Hurst

    The people are finally waking up to this enormous threat to our lives and those of future generations. 4G radiation from cell towers is bad enough but this different kind of millimeter radiation will be intolerable for millions of people going about their business. It will ultimately fail because of the harm it causes but in the meantime none of us deserve to be used as guinea pigs in this horrendous experiment upon the human race, the animal kingdom and the world of insects and marine life, all of which will suffer and in many cases die out completely. That is how drastic this will be. It is a monstrous technology disguised as a Godsend for faster downloads and the operation of medical equipment. In Coventry, U.K several workers in the emergency ambulance service using 5G died unexpectedly while on the job, birds fell dead from the air and the list of harmful health effects continues to grow. When will these City Councils and governments learn to hold back and realize they are moving in the wrong direction?


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